Thursday, December 4, 2014

Finding A Proper Way To Hold A Violin

By Claudine Hodges

The bow of a violin works finest if some basic issues are critically obeyed. For example, the player is obligated to grasp it in the correct manner. If the performer does this there will be pulsations that will be created and they in sequence will create the lovely sounds heard by the spectators. A proper way to hold a violin must be part of the first things taught to a fresh student since overlooking this lesson can have its own consequences.

Many people who have failed in violin playing have done so because of the poor bow holding. This is because its usually something that is not that easy to do. Watching someone else do it may make it seem very easy but in real sense it requires a lot of practice to completely understand the basics. The following is important information that can be used to help people hold the violin correctly.

Before playing the violin, one must make certain that their bow is tight as required. The thinnest part of the bow is known as the fiddlestick. The entertainer must make sure that this part is tight enough such that it can be scraped very easily with their fingers. They should know how to correctly place them on this instrument.

A class about putting the fingers on the violin bow must be less theoretical and more practical. Words cannot be used if actions are not used to show the new player the manner in which they are supposed to place their hands on the bow. Practice will allow them comprehend the very basic details about this job and consequently they will become better players.

It is very important to maintain calmness when playing this instrument. Tension usually makes it more difficult for the player to produce the best quality of sound because it will affect the way the use their fingers when playing. They are supposed to be relaxed so that they can be able to loosely place their fingers on this instrument and in turn improve on the kind of sound produced.

It is important for the player to practice the performance before they do it in front of an audience. This way they will have a chance to try different holdings and determine which one they are most comfortable in. They can also try holding the strings at different pressures to determine which one produces the best quality of sound.

Pressing the bow harder creates louder sound. This is the basis that is used when applying different pressures to the bow. This also makes it possible for the entertainer to include sound variations in their performance. The fingers are supposed to be in the correct places in order for the player to maintain quality sound.

In order to acquire better sound that is much smoother, one needs to hold their instrument in the correct manner. Correct holding also improves the techniques and skills of the player. New players must therefore make sure they learn about this to make their performance better.

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