Monday, December 8, 2014

How To Meet A Nintendo Fanatic Online Friend In IRL

By Claudine Hodges

For gamers, it is only a given for them to join groups that will allow them to contact those who got the same hobbies. This is only a given if they want to know some tips or cheats regarding the game that they are playing. They can enjoy a lot of things when they are accepted in an online group for the game that they love.

Nowadays, there are a lot of groups online that are catering to those who are into gaming and stuff. It should not be a difficult task for you to find other Nintendo fanatic through these groups. You can then find more friends than you can imagine. Through these groups, you can talk about games that you are too familiar with.

If you have stayed in this community for a long time, then you might receive an invitation to join an IRL meeting in no time. This particular meeting is set up for the sake of meeting friends you made online in real life. If you are about to attend this particular meeting, then here are tips which you should consider.

First, you have to make sure to agree to meet up in a safe place. Preferably, you should only agree if the venue is a public place. This is for your own safety. Out of the many options you have for a venue where online friends can meet up, the most suitable choice is the local restaurant.

Bring a friend with you. Of course, you have to bring someone who will not ruin the mood when you are meeting up with the online friends you have made. This is a preemptive strike against any bad intentions that this online friend turned predator might have on you.

It is fine to expect the online friends to not creep you out during the meeting. Most importantly, you must not be creepy yourself. You have to show impeccable manners and be courteous to the online friends you are meeting up. No matter how long you are friends with them online, they are still strangers.

You can rely on your instincts when making a decision as to whether or not you will attend an IRL meeting. When you feel like the person online is creeping you out and he or she asks you to meet up IRL, then you can simply say no. Do not be afraid to offend them since they do not really know you.

Do your research first before you agree to meeting others online in real life or before you go to the meeting. It will help you determine whether it is really okay or not to meet up with this person. The things you learn about the said person will also help you start a conversation during this meeting.

The things that you talk about with these new friends should be limited to what is okay to say to them. You have to keep a tight lid on some personal information, as a precaution as well. You should only be talking about things which are okay to be talked about with strangers.

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