Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Truth Of A Punk In Being A Part Of A CBGB Band

By Miranda Hawkins

Music plays an important role in the lives of the people. It speaks of uncountable emotions which reflect to the experiences of the creator. Everyone in the world are passionate in making their own music or listening to their favorite genre. It is life that pushes them to their limits in making their own unique style in achieving the desires of their hearts.

In the year 1973, a music club opened its doors to welcome music lovers and bands. Young and old are all hailed to make themselves a part of the fun. When the club was opened, a lot of groups have gathered inside it to witness their favorite bands sing their finest songs. There are already a massive number of groups that wants to be a part of becoming a CBGB band.

The fun that the club offers to the folks have marked permanently in their lives. CBGB is known as country, bluegrass and blues. As time passed, it changed its genre. The blues have become punks because so many punk rock bands have invaded the entire stage which teens find it impressive. The cool melody creates a bang in the heads of many. Music lovers with the same genre usually spends their time in the club because it is a comfort for them which is not visible to some clubs.

Punk bands look like their songs. Their songs are usually dark and noisy but the lyrics and the emotions that are being presented in it are all wide and meaningful. Their songs speak of how they experience life. It is how they approach and talk to the listeners. They want them to know that life is indeed marvelous.

Being dark does not mean that they praise and join themselves together with satanic deeds. For them that is a false testimony. They do things just the same as what common folks do, which is somehow surprising to a lot of people.

The bands are living a unique lifestyle which is distant to a lot of common people. They have their own views and experiences. They refuse in tyranny and always believe that freedom is a must. Doing the desires of their heart makes them a free person. They never mind about the reaction. Their songs are usually connected to anarchy and rebellion because they think that most of the teens have experienced this. A lot of them also have encountered such.

Little do people know that the bands are also resourceful. They do not spend all their cash just to have fun. They spend it wisely. They often do the chores at home like cleaning the house, doing the laundry or even cooking. They still live an ordinary life which is pretty astonishing to folks who do not know them. They still earn for a living by having cool and legal jobs. They also want their futures to be a success.

The bands will then be perceived as punk because of their manner too. The way they dress talks about their emotions. It is through their clothing and music that talks about what they love by heart. Dressing dark do not necessarily mean that they are evil people. They just love to be who they are.

Teenagers of today found punk cool and admiring that is why they follow their style. They dress like how the groups do. They even sing their song because it echoes their longings. Punk bands are wholesome people too and they know that their lives are all fair and just.

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