Saturday, December 13, 2014

Tips On How To Hold A Violin Correctly

By Lucia Weeks

If you want to know all about this process, then you would just have to take in everything that would be said below. If you would do that, then you would have yourself to thank for in the long run. That is because you are bringing yourself closer to your dream of becoming the best violinist that this world has ever known.

First, you must have the correct elbow position. If you do not know anything about this subject yet, then you are recommended to read all the how to hold a violin correctly sources that you will easily be able to find. You are strictly not allowed to leave anything to chance in here since that will only bring you to your doom.

Second, there should be a sense of roundness in your wrists. Yes, you are going to be in a long and winding road in here and this will not be easy for you but then, there is nothing in this world that you cannot achieve. If that is the kind of principle that you will have until the end of your life, then you will be just fine.

Third, you would need to keep your wrist away from the neck of the violin. If you would do that, then you would surely be protecting that part of your body. So, get used to this kind of position even if you would be experiencing some difficulty in the beginning. All of these things would be worth it in the end.

If you do not know where to put your thumb, then you simply need to watch your tutorial videos again and again. It does not matter if it will take you a long time to do this. What is essential in here is that you will learn the right placement and you will gain the respect of your fellow musicians.

Your fingers should not be close to one another. Since you are still a novice in the field, then you can continue watching your fingers all the time. However, you will have to stop doing that when the right time comes. So, simply be in the right flow of your training and you will be just fine. That is an assurance.

You would have to be in the proper posture too. If not, then your health is the one that would suffer in behalf of your career. Thus, never be in that kind of situation. You can attend some formal classes so that you would be properly guided with the exact thing that you want to do.

If you are positioned on a chair, then you will truly have to maintain the same position. That is a must. If you will not perform that, then you will not get used to having the correct position and that will not do you good in the industry. So, be able to incorporate this habit into your life no matter what happens.

Overall, simply hang in there. You can be done with your training in no time. Just have more faith on yourself and on your skills.

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