Thursday, June 11, 2015

Finding A Karaoke DJ Los Angeles

By Elaine Guthrie

Different types of activities abound in California for people of every age. Adults love everything from live music and dancing to beaches and crafts, so there is something to keep everyone busy. This is a major reason that Karaoke DJ Los Angeles providers are so plentiful.

Los Angeles, CA is a melting pot of cultures and therefore many activities can be found. If a venue were catering to an adult crowd, much can be said about the pairing of alcoholic beverages and customers singing. Even though not everyone is the next big star, many take part in singing in this manner simply to let loose and have fun.

When choosing your entertainer for this activity, it is best to ask for references. Other venues that have used this person or company will be able to give insight into what business was like prior to, during and after their services were rendered. This will give you the opportunity to make correlations between your business and what you can expect based on previous customers.

If there is a record of a large following to other venues, taking advantage of this can mean a large increase for your profit margin. If the following crowd does not feel at home, they will go somewhere else; especially if they are forced to be put on the back burner to take on new clients. Running specials on food or beverages during the singing times will help keep things at a happy medium and friendly.

Getting a contest started to help bring in more business is a grand idea, to get word out that singing is available. This is ideal even when there's a group that follows your DJ, as prizes draw in customers even if only for a few nights. It could go good or bad for you, since many people with professional experience will try to dupe you and beat the average customer in your contest.

In these instances, your would-be regular customers may feel snubbed by a pro winning a contest. So it is best to advertise your contest, bring in contestants and ensure that prior to it starting you detail that anyone found with training will be disqualified. This is one way of keeping it fair, and being seen as an honest venue that singers will enjoy spending their time and money at.

One more point to mention is when you hire someone, ask what their pay rate is and if you are responsible for the equipment. If they take it with them, you have no liability and your insurance will not have to cover any additional expenses. Paying a trial rate for the first few weeks to determine what their crowd will be like is common, and most providers are familiar with this.

Keep in mind that it is easy to locate these providers, and you should only hire someone that you feel is going to bring customers to you. Whether for an ongoing basis or on special occasions, singers can open the door to more revenue if planned correctly. Less dancing and more singing can mean the difference in a three digit and a four digit profit nightly.

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