Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sonny's Pianos: A Glossary To Get You Started

By Katie Onson

When it comes to learning how to play an instrument, everyone has their own strategy. While there are those who will teach themselves, not taking part in a single lessons, others will be booksmart and learn as much as they can from others. Along the way, they may become familiar with certain musical terms, which Sonny's Pianos knows all too well. As a matter of fact, here are a few of the terms in question that budding artists should learn of.

Melody - Sonny's Pianos & Sonny Stancarone, in addition to others, can tell you that this is a relatively basic term when it comes to music. Melody describes a string of notes that, more than anything else, can be followed in smooth ways. When this happens, you - as the listener - can follow along and enjoy the tune being played until the end. It's vital, to say the least, but it's a term that most people in this field are already familiar with.

Tempo - When a particular piece of music starts to pick up speed, this is where tempo will be most visible. Tempo is defined as the pace that music takes, usually one that is more upbeat and perhaps more difficult for some to follow. Pianists must have extensive knowledge of their instruments to create a sense of tempo, as notes are to be played in rapid succession. Without this concept set in place, it's easy to imagine that tempo will not be as prevalent.

Virtuoso - When it comes to the highest compliments that can be paid to a musician, virtuoso comes to mind. For those who do not know, a virtuoso is someone who is recognized as a master, or specialist, at playing piano. This individual has a tremendous degree of experience, as supported by Sonny's Piano TV and Sonny Dante Stancarone, and the fact that this individual may teach others cannot be overlooked. Undeniably, this is a term that is often associated with high praise.

With these terms in mind, hopefully you have a better understanding of what pianos entail. These are classical instruments, to say the least, so it's not like people are unfamiliar with them. What may be a challenge, though, is knowing what these types of instruments feature from a deeper standpoint. This is where an extensive learning experience can come into effect, and perhaps you'll find that this glossary of sorts can be a great starting point.

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