Sunday, June 21, 2015

Knowing All About Easy Listening Music

By Freida Michael

The world is filled with many individuals who enjoy good tunes which will play on the radio on a daily basis. There are quite a few easy listening music stations across the land and they have been known to really satisfy all customers. Certain individuals have to really search the airwaves if they want to hear great soft singers like Kenny Rogers, Sheena Easton or others. Nowadays too many youngsters will only listen to rap stars who use bad language on their recordings.

One lady from Scotland is named Sheena Easton and many people around the globe really enjoy hearing her tunes. This wonderful person started off with a tune called "Morning Train" and over the years her musical range has really gotten better. Anyone listening to this song knew that it had a unique combination of jazz as well as pop within it. Later on Ms. Easton recorded "For Your Eyes Only" for a Bond film.

The producers in Hollywood knew that they made the right decision by asking Sheena to sing this particular tune for a very exciting film. People who grew up in the 80's may have quite a few of her recordings at home and they are quick to notice her unique beauty.

Many people do not realize that this singer is only five feet tall but she has a voice which can be heard everywhere. "I Wouldn't Beg For Water" was another one of her songs that was quite similar to a soft gospel recording. It was recorded on one of her later albums which sold around the United States and other places.

There is one great singer called Barry Manilow who has been living within the United States for most of his life. Mr. Manilow is a great talented person who has been compared to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. "Mandy" was one of his biggest hit songs which sold millions of copies. In time Mr. Manilow would sing a great tune called "I Made It Through The Rain" and this was also a big hit.

People working at local and national radio stations enjoy playing all of his tunes since he is a great artist who never fails to satisfy the customers. Barry tried to become more hip by doing recordings which strayed away from his original style and this was a complete failure. He also had to deal with co-workers who put his bank account in a financial strain.

If someone were to think of a man with white hair and a beard they would immediately picture a gentleman named Kenny Rogers. Kenny loves to sing quiet songs which have a great meaning behind them and his fans really adore his style. Years ago when he recorded "Lady" Kenny was involved within a loving relationship with his beautiful wife. He also decided to sing a tune called "Through The Years" while in this marriage.

Ms. Barbra Streisand is the true queen of soft tunes since she has been around for many decades. This woman is an actress and singer who has enjoyed singing tunes called "Clear Sailing" and "Left In The Dark." Barbra knows all about heartache and heartbreak since she has been married several times.

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