Saturday, June 6, 2015

Forming Great Blues Rock Bands

By Ericka Marsh

Creating a band is not that easy. You would have to make sure that all of its members know what they are doing and they are actually good with what they do. That is the only way that you would be able to solidify your fan group and how you can slowly climb up the ladder of success.

First, your drummer has to be good no matter what. If it is not enough for your blues rock bands to play songs in the genre that you have chosen. If the beats will not be there, then you can forget about making it big in the industry. Be reminded that your dishes will have to be served in the right way.

Second, if your members lack the right equipment, then there must be something that you can do about that. Be reminded that you are trying to make an investment in here. If you will not put down some money on the line, then that is an incident that you will regret when you are already in front of a lot of people.

Third, you would have to find a bassist. Remember that you have to put more texture into your music as much as possible. If you would do that, then you would be able to create a distinct sound and that can help people recognize you in the market. You would never be mistaken for someone else.

Your singer will have to be presentable. Take note that all eyes will be in this person which means that he has to be confident as well. With the right amount of self esteem, this person will be able to bring to a relaxed place where in you know that you got this and that the whole stage is yours. That is how it is supposed to be done.

If you require a pianist, then you have the freedom to find that person as well. Actually, any pianist would do since you would not be focusing much on this instrument. You just have to make sure that he would be there at times when you have to give something different to excite the people around you.

If you have the talent to write down songs, then now would be the best time for you to use that talent. Keep in mind that you have to be unique as much as possible. If not, then your competitors would only overshadow you and that is not something that you dream of. You have worked so hard for this to fail.

You have to choose the songs as a group. Take note that you cannot afford to be divided in here. It is because you are supposed to play as one. If not, then people will come to wonder why they have come to see you in the first place.

Overall, show to the world who you really are as a group. Some people may not like it but those are the people that you should forget about. If not, then you will be haunted by their criticism.

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