Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sonny's Piano: Why Does Posture Matter?

By Katie Onson

Regardless of the instrument that you play, it's important to know about the importance of posture. Those who are curious about why this matters may either still be learning about music, or are new to this particular endeavor. To say that posture can help would be an understatement, especially when you consult Sonny's Pianos and others. If you're going to improve yourself, in this regard, it may be in your best interest to take these talking points into account.

To start off, Sonny's Pianos & Sonny Stancarone will instruct you to take part in easy exercises. While this doesn't necessarily mean that you have to spend money on a gym membership, you can still get up and work on your limbs. Something as simple as stretching can prove to be useful, especially if you do it multiple times a day. Stick with it, from a day-to-day basis, and you will start to see improvements in the ways you stand and sit alike.

Even though the aforementioned talking point involves light exercise, you can take things a few steps further with yoga. It's easy to see why this matters, especially when you think about just how intense this can become. Of course, this is entirely dependent on what you prefer, and how much you think you can handle from a physical standpoint. When it comes to improving one's posture, this is one of the best methods that shouldn't be overlooked.

To cap this list off, Sonny's Pianos will recommend that you do not stay seated for too long. You have to keep in mind that staying seated can have a negative impact on your limbs, which is something that pianists should be aware of. In order to keep your back in as good of shape as possible, stand up every hour or so and walk around for a few minutes. If you're able to do this, chances are that you will benefit from a much better posture.

These are just a few ways in which you can maintain strong posture, for the sake of better music product. Aspiring pianists will know that this matters, which is why many of them take serious measures in order to get this just right. Those who are looking to get involved in this particular musical endeavor should do the same, regardless of the work it takes. Once you're able to do so, you may be pleasantly surprised by the success that you see in the long term.

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