Saturday, June 1, 2013

Food Photography: Creating Your Own Brand

By Lizette Graves

Many food enthusiasts are also interested in taking pictures of the stuff they love to eat and whether you want to take it as a hobby or as a career, getting into food photography is something that's truly worth your while. Having that artistic touch and style combined with the technical know-how in photography can help you to become a better food photographer.

As with the different areas of photography, having a good light source is important in coming up with great pictures and food photography is no exception. Whenever you are taking photos of food, the general rule is to stay away from shadows and highlights. Harsh lights can ruin your photos and this can be avoided by using diffusers, umbrellas, or softboxes.

The depth of field you use can also help create stunning and dramatic effects on your photos. In food photography, you can make your audience amazed at the way your photos look by using a wider aperture. A wider aperture should give your photos that artistic blur as it leaves your main subject in focus. Using tripods and remote shutter release can also help ensure sharp pictures every time.

If you want to become better at food photography, you're going to have to learn how to experiment in using different angles in taking photos. Don't let your photos be boring - try to deviate from the habit of shooting down on your subjects and instead going at table or plate level in order to come up with a completely different emphasis, detail, and dimension.

Food photography also requires that you must be observant when it comes to your white balance because of the different lighting conditions you may encounter. No one is going to be happy about a picture of a vanilla ice cream that is color gray instead of white right? If you don't want to worry too much about white balance, you're better off shooting in RAW mode.

If you think you have what it takes to start a business or career in food photography, you should also think about buying the best lenses and accessories that you can afford. Although photography in general is much about using your creativity and imagination, having high quality equipment can help you produce better photos every time.

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