Saturday, August 16, 2014

How To Choose A Violin Chinrest Styles That Fit

By Linda Ruiz

The most popular equipment that is commonly attached to a violin is a chinrest. This wonderful material is created using a plastic or a wood. The wood selection is dependent on how durable the rest should be. Generally, ebony and rosewood are the most used material. Due to the flexibility and easily moldable property of plastic, it is also a primary material that composes a rest.

Depending on what your playing position is, the chinrest will provide you that needed stability for a better performance. In finding a chinrest that perfectly fits you, it often needs a trial and error like procedure. But having the knowledge about the differences between the various types of violin chinrest styles can lower down the time and effort you might need to consume. In this article, we will know more about it.

To start, you need to select the style of chin rest that you want. It is up to you whether you would like to go for an across the tailpiece rest or the rest that sits on the left hand part of the tailpiece. Mostly, the selection depends upon how long your arms are.

We cannot deny the fact that young players have shorter arms compared to adults. This means that they will have a little bit of trouble playing the instrument. To address this issue, it is better to choose an across the tailpiece type of chinrest. This will give the needed nearness to play the violin with ease.

Some people tend to have bonier jaws. If this is the case, it is better if you select a rest that is well curved. In the contrary, if you have full figured jaws, you might need a lengthier and a not so elevated ridge. It is essential that you select that perfect curvature depending on your jaw structure to prevent complications and injuries in the long run especially if you are playing in a longer period of time.

Keep in mind that if a rest does not properly fits you, it can create skin sores and strains in your muscles. Having a device that will help you hold the violin hands free is a very important thing specially if you are performing in a longer duration. It also prevents you from developing fiddlers neck.

Frequent practice is beneficial, especially if you are aiming to be good. But in cases like violin, continual practice can cause a condition called fiddlers neck. This is a type of injury wherein a specific part of the neck becomes reddish and inflated. This spot is commonly where the violin is placed.

Although there are some other factors you need to consider, it is by far the most important ones that you need to know. If you are a person with sensitive skin, then choosing a rest that is hypoallergenic metal should be your primary choice. Alternatively, you can also use plastic hardware.

Bottom line is, always look for chinrests that best suits what you need and you are comfortable with it. If possible, go for high standard equipments. This may cost you a bit but at least you are certain that it will provide wonderful benefits.

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