Sunday, August 24, 2014

Well Known Science Fiction Music And Sound Effects

By Deanne Shepard

Fantasy and soundtrack enthusiasts everywhere will most likely agree that without a soundtrack, a number of films or television shows would not have become as popular over time. One of these being the Twilight Zone, another Star Trek. Each of which has their own particular sound. With so many productions, it is no wonder science fiction music has now pretty much created its own genre.

There are also a number of television shows like Star Trek, Lost in Space, Twilight Zone and others that host some of the best and scariest sounds ever associated with film or television. Songs are often repeated at the beginning or end of each episode with special attention being paid to premieres and finales. While most accompaniment is provided at the beginning and end of a program, there are instances in which songs can accompany a plot, theme or simply appear in the background.

There are a number of great science fiction films. Unfortunately, in the opinion of many movie buffs, many never receive credit which is well deserved. Regardless, the soundtracks of these films are some of the best science fiction oriented music and sound ever produced.

Cable, satellite, digital television, and services like Netflix and Redbox are now front and center when it comes to creating original series. Several of which have a fantastical or sci-fi feel. While some of these shows place the same introductory recording and video before each episode throughout the series, others tend to change the openings to reflect a particular plot or theme in an episode.

A song can move a person to laughter, a song can move people to tears. Most often, it depends on a combination of elements in a film or television show. These are, the soundtrack, the plot, the theme and the cast. All of which hold an important part in creating a successful production and soundtrack.

Whether telling stories of aliens and alien love through song, or, simply attaching sound effects to a stunt, individuals often find that listening to songs on a soundtrack outside of a film or television show to be quite enjoyable and intriguing. Shows like the X-Files and Roswell have had some of the scariest and most haunting songs sounds ever produced.

While science fiction is part fantasy, and fantasy part sci-fi, the two often go hand in hand. In fact, many of the same artists produce recordings and soundtracks for different theatrical releases. Live sound also has a place within this genre when it comes to popular fantastical musicals and plays based on fantasy or sci-fi. A good example of this would be The Wizard of Oz, or Wicked.

Most soundtracks for film and television are pre-recorded. Live music can also provide a great ambiance to a sci-fi based play or other performance which might be considered a little out there. For better or worse, some of the most dramatic of sounds have been known to come from live musicians. Lovers of this and other genres can all be grateful that most of the time it is for the better.

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