Friday, April 15, 2011

All to look for when choosing an Action Camera

By William Shade

What features to look out for when choosing an action camera could be a jungle for a novice user but after many years of experience trying to catch that special moment from my own extreme sports I have found a few things that will make a difference when you go out to find an action camera. What I have learned from my experience could be of great value to you if you do not want to miss out on that perfect moment which I have done so many times in the past because of lack of knowledge on what features my action camera should have.

The first thing you have to consider is weather what you are filming will do with a small and handy action camera or if the quality has to be even better and you will have to go with a larger camera. personally I find that a small action camera most of the times will do because most action cameras records in HD anyway.

My first choice is to find a handy action camera that is small and lightweight because when doing extreme sports I can not be tied down to a large camera I have to be able to move which is not as easy with a larger camera. The camera also needs a minimum of protection so it will not break with just a small hit or drop to the ground. The protection you will find in many variations just make sure you still have easy access to work with the action camera and the buttons otherwise you will go crazy in the long run.

You probably do not find anything more annoying then when your action camera is filming that perfect shot and then runs out of battery - Nothing you can do but to get frustrated so make sure your action camera has good battery life time and that it is possible to recharge easily or that you can change the battery easily while working. Many action cameras today comes with indicators that is lit when camera is working but usually with very little light to save battery time - just make sure it is not so little that you can not see if it is recording in daylight. Also make sure you find an action camera that will work OK in both day and night recordings.

For me the sound is very important and for some this might not be an issue because when editing you can just have music playing but I like to have the real sound from what I am doing and this is a tough choice when you do not want to have big microphones sitting around but it is possible to find an action camera where you have less noise and more of the real sound and by this I mean are you filming while driving on the bike the noise from the wind might catch the microphone but having a case for the camera might solve this issue for me the best solution so far has been the Go pro action camera but you might find other solutions that will suit your needs.

Through out all my experience working with an action camera I found the above things to be crucial when choosing the right camera for what ever I had to do but remember what might be right for me might not be for you but than again I am pretty sure most of the advice is very usable.

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