Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Get Kindle eBook Reader Today For Your Friend

By Benjamin Charles

One of the very popular gadgets nowadays is the Kindle Reader. It is one gadget that is used to read electronic books, PDF documents and other files. The reason why it is so popular is because it makes reading activity convenient. With almost 3000 e-books that can be stored on the unit, one is like bringing with him his library at home wherever he goes.

This unit has LCD screen that displays texts with high resolution. It uses an electronic ink that is well dispersed on the screen giving the text display a look of texts on paperback. If you have love ones who loves to read and you plan to give them something special, this gadget would make a very good gift to them as it is very portable, easy to use, and light. It is small that it can fit one's bag without taking up too much space.

Your Mom, Dad, sister, brother or friend will not have difficulty reading the texts on the screen wherever they go because the unit's backlit display lights like ordinary paper that even if under the sun's glare, the display on the screen will be readable. The unit does not heat up no matter how long it is used and it has a very powerful battery life. One can make use of the unit for as long as one month without recharging.

This e-book reader has a built-in Wifi feature that is very useful when one wants to download new novels. As long as one gets a Wifi signal, he or she can browse the internet and start downloading text files they want to be stored on the unit. The Wifi feature can affect the battery life such that if it is used often, it can drain the unit's battery in 10 days. But, if it is not used, the unit needs no recharging up to a month's time. These features are specially added for those readers that are always on the go.

Aside from the Wifi feature, if one can't find any signal from a router, the unit has a Kindle 3G feature. This built-in free 3G connectivity (like in cellular phones) allows users to download their favorite novels for free even if they do not have Wifi connectivity. The best deal is, it's free and so travelers who love to read on the road can still take advantage of free downloading service. The wireless coverage spans over 100 countries and so even travelers will be able to take advantage of the free downloading service wherever they are.

A lot of people are already drawn to this technology especially those who likes to read a lot. This product comes from Amazon and it caters to the needs of individuals who are always on the go and don't want to carry lots of hardbound or paperback texts with them that will make their bags heavy. This Electronic Book Reader has a new version released last May 2009 and it is called the Kindle DX.

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