Saturday, April 30, 2011

Custom Framing Los Angeles Adds Value

By Lena Shelton

A beautiful piece of artwork placed in just the right frame makes for a stunning presentation. Custom framing Los Angeles is readily available in any neighborhood but choose carefully. There is more to framing than your might suspect. And there is no end of styles to choose from. You can go from the nineteenth century to ultra-modern. Baroque, art-deco, plein air or contemporary with many variations of each. A good framer will offer a wealth of choices.

Any interior decoration will be enhanced with beautiful framing. If antiques are your thing, there are plenty of choices that will mimic that style and often you will not be able to tell the replications from the original. If you are short of artworks, mirrors can be framed to beautify any room. A mirror, specially enclosed in an interesting frame will add dimension to your room and perk up a dull wall or lifeless corner.

As an artist, you know what a quality frame can do for your artwork. It will enhance a painting, photograph or drawing instantly. The wrong frame will overpower or clash and this is where a second eye will come in handy. Do not hesitate to spend the time and money quality framing if you are exhibiting your work in a gallery, intent on sales. A gallery owner will know that you have done your utmost to present your works properly, with pride and belief in their ultimate merit. Viewers will be impressed.

There are now ways to try out framing styles virtually. A scanned picture can be framed on your computer making it possible to study a variety of styles, training your eye, giving you a heads-up when you visit your framer. If you are still looking for your frame shop, having an idea what you are looking for saves time and leads you to the right business for your needs. In Los Angeles, you will be inundated with choices.

There are many things that can be framed that are not necessarily artworks or mirrors. You can preserve and protect bits of nature such as shells, leaves or butterflies that we sometimes randomly pick up. Sports memorabilia, travel souvenirs, drawings from your kid, old lace, old love letter make for beautiful and interesting wall adornment. Any sort of two dimensional ephemera that has meaning for you can be on display rather than in a box somewhere deteriorating.

By choosing a professional to help with your framing, you will be aided in ways you did not realize you needed. There are thousands of moldings, hundreds of mats in every color imaginable, a variety of textures, thicknesses and acid content. There are shadowboxes that have a variety of uses. You can choose non-glare glass, and do away with liners or add more than one. All this a good professional will explain, including which products are eco-friendly if that is important to you.

By choosing custom framing Los Angeles, you will be submitting your precious items to the best possible care. They will know the latest technology in preservation as well as the aesthetic considerations. You can discuss museum-quality materials if you plan on ending up there, or hope to. For more simple, personal framing needs, having your precious items professionally framed will add immeasurably to their presentation; your walls will sing and your friends will be impressed with your artistic flair.

custom framing Los Angeles

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