Sunday, April 10, 2011

Digital Cameras: Is It Time to Get Yourself A New One?

By Harvin Gulfill

With the advent of technology affecting even photographs, capturing and sharing special moments has never been so delightful! Family and friends can be pretty far away from us so tend to send them pictures of our moments so that they would never miss out. One way of sharing could be through the mail but it is pretty slow as compared to the instant connection provided by the internet. With the help of digital cameras, it is very easy to send photos through email or post them on a blog, website, or online journal.

There are various kinds of digital cameras available everywhere to finding the perfect one to suit your needs could be a little tricky. For first time users of digital cameras, invest a little time in learning the vocabulary and technology behind the cameras because the terms used in digital photography are slightly different from that of film cameras.

One important term you should understand if you are going to buy that digital camera is the term megapixel. The definition of a pixel is a dot on the image produced. A megapixel is a million dots/pixels on that image. Higher megapixels mean better resolution and bigger images that cam be printed. Here are some basic examples of how big prints can be with the following megapixels:

Two Megapixels produces up to 4x6 inch photographs. Three Megapixels produces up to 5x7 inch photographs. Four Megapixels produces up to 6x8 inch photographs. Six Megapixels produces up to 7x10 inches. Eight Megapixels produces up to 10x14 inch photographs. Lastly, twelve Megapixels produces up to 16x24 inch photographs.

With new digital cameras, capture and share your special moments with your friend and family who live far away. They hate to miss out of special moments because of distance and sharing them through a blog or website can bring them a bit closer to home. If you have more interest in photography, go an extra mile and learn how to edit your photos with programs made specifically for that purpose. With the technology available for photography, making and sharing photographs has never been so exciting!

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