Sunday, October 9, 2011

Basic Steps When Printing a Picture

By Emerson Torres

Amateur photographers these days can now take photographs with impressive results thanks to the advent of digital photography. Photographers can now take as many pictures as they want thanks to this. And an important benefit of using digital photos is that you get the ability to be able to delete any photos that you think are low quality. In this manner, you can end up with the best possible picture for you.

Digital photography technology allows you to print out a photograph almost immediately and have it framed for display. But even if you really don't need to know any special skills when printing a photograph, it's vital to know the simple steps you need to follow to get a good printout. These are some of the simple ways you can follow to make sure you get to print a fine photograph in your own home.

Benchmark is the first thing you should do. Remember to use only high quality photo paper. This is vital since this kind of paper will keep a long time and your photographs will last for a while. After setting a benchmark you can now closely monitor any changes in quality in case anything changes, such as the type of ink that you use, the quality of paper, or the type of software. Remember and write down these things, make sure to note the parameters that you set. It will be useful to refer to these later on when you have to duplicate a previously great printout.

Make sure that you have a very high performance printer. Low quality printers have a problem in that they print very low quality photographs. In that case, you have to maintain it often such as taking out or clearing away any dust that you might find. It's also useful to cover the printer when not in use. Additionally, if you don't use your printer frequently, just print anything on it on occassion so that the ink does not dry. It also makes sense to take the printer out for annual servicing.

Make sure that you have everything set and ready before you begin to print your photograph. Make sure that you have set your parameters such as orientation and paper size properly. Take a look at a preview of your printout to assure yourself that you've set the correct layout. At the end, do check that the paper has been placed properly into the printer paper tray. These things will make sure that you get a correctly printed photograph.

Don't handle your photograph once it has come out of the printer. If you touch the wet ink on your picture, it will smudge. What you should do is leave your printout on a flat surface for a few minutes before you handle it. Follow these steps and you can be sure that you get a photograph printout that meets your standards.

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