Saturday, October 29, 2011

Find Great Sin City Photographers

By Debrah Langston

Besides having the highest number of hotels and casinos in any one place in the world, and having the largest conference and banquet accommodations of any other city, Las Vegas is the place many people worldwide choose to have their special occasion at, whether it be a birthday, wedding, reception, engagement, or family reunion celebration. You would think such as metropolitan area would offer up 100's of photographers to capture all the moments of such events in order to remember them forever. Choosing just one company or photographer is a daunting task. The main thing to remember is, ask a lot of questions until you are satisfied.

You may ask other questions like: Will you develop your own film? Will we be able to buy the negatives from you? What is your indoor and/or outdoor shooting experience? How many photographs are usually taken for a party of our size? What size of photos can be ordered? How long will it take to have them processed and ready to view?

Is your equipment up-to-date and of the latest technology as regards digital photography? Will you be able to lend any assistance in the computer aspects of downloading and cropping the photos on our end after the fact? Do you know the Vegas area well, and can you recommend a place for getting interesting and unique shots?

Are you familiar with the casino our guests are staying overnight at? Does the contract stipulate a guarantee of work provided? How many hours will be expected to do the job? If the cost a set rate, or hour by hour, how will this affect the resulting work?

They must be able to direct subjects of the photographs on how to look, stand, turn, etc. Upon arrival, he/she should know beforehand just what and how he/she wants to arrange the shots that are standard fare, and later have unique ideas about portrait shots or small group shots. Again, look at many samples of his/her work and be able to choose those shots you want facsimiles of for your event. Take time to choose well.

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