Saturday, October 8, 2011

Everything there is to know when choosing an Action Camera

By Carl Panduro

An Action Camera can be many things but with the use of my many years of experience I will try to give you some pointers on what to look for in that perfect action camera (camcorder) so you will be able to catch those special moments which for me is when I do my extreme sports. The market is a jungle but for me to get the perfect Action Camera there are some things which needs to work the right way otherwise you will loose out on the good moments you want to catch and there is nothing like waiting for that special moment and then the action camera screws up everything.

The first thing you have to consider is weather what you are filming will do with a small and handy action camera or if the quality has to be even better and you will have to go with a larger camera. personally I find that a small action camera most of the times will do because most action cameras records in HD anyway.

I always want to go lightweight because doing extreme sports you need to be able to get around and be movable and a large action camera will make this hard for you. I also look for a camera that has a minimum of protection like a hard shell or a case to make sure if it falls to the ground or if it gets hit by anything it is not the end of the camera. Just make sure you still have easy access to the buttons on the camera because there is nothing more annoying then having to get the camera out of the case every time you have to turn it on.

Battery time is another very important factor that can cause a lot of trouble if running out of battery time right in the middle of a recording session and if changing battery is not easy or recharging is even more difficult. Luckily now a days this is getting much better but still you have to make sure things will work for your situations. Many cameras has these small recording indicators that illuminate when recording make sure it is possible to see even when working in daylight other wise you might face problems and ending up not knowing weather you are recording or not.

One of the most important things for me is the microphone and the sound that the action camera produces. Many people using an action camera have no problem on this subject because when editing they just choose to use music or speak when playing but for me and the things I do I love to be able to hear the real sound from what I am doing and this requires a bit from the camera or at least the housing for the camera. Imagine driving your bicycle and wanting to hear the branches break when you come cruising instead of the wind that for many cameras will be the only thing you can hear - The best solution I have found so far is the Go Pro Action Camera.

Remember these few guidelines are things I have found good in the process when choosing an action camera but what might be good for me might be the right solution for me might not be for you so also go with your own gut feeling.

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