Monday, February 27, 2012

3 Tips to Buying Your First Digital Camera

By Greer Zhang

You've decided it's time to buy a digital camera, but which one? The aisles are full of different brands with different features and a wide variety of prices to match. The task can be overwhelming.

Following are the 3 most significant steps you can take to make the decision simpler:

1. Research before you buy. Talk to the people who have digital cameras and ask them how they like theirs. What functions do they use quite often and which ones are "just there"? Go online and visit sites that critique various cameras and look at what they have to share.

2. Next, decide how much money you are willing to spend on a camera. There is no sense going into debt over a camera unless it will be used as your major income source. Decide how often you will use the camera, what places you will be using it and who else will be using this particular camera. How much money can you reasonably spare? All these things will help you narrow your choices.

3. Examine your needs and experience level. Do you have experience or perhaps is this your very first camera? Do you have time for you to learn a lot of functions or are you satisfied with a camera you can just point and click? Do you intend on growing in taking photographs? If so, a digital SLR can be your choice so it may be added onto to grow with you.

Purchasing a digicam doesn't have to be a purchase full of stress. Do your research and know what you are looking for, then stick to the decision. You are the best judge of what you'll need, trust yourself. Each of the aforementioned tips will narrow the options considerably and make that ultimate decision a lot easier to make and you can enjoy discovering the wonders of photography with your new purchase.

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