Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fantastic Photography Advice To Improve Your Picture Taking!

By Arthur Gingerman

Just because you have developed an interest in taking pictures doesn't mean you can take good pictures. It is important to gain as much knowledge as you can and learn how to apply it when you are taking photographs. These are some wonderful tips to help you improve your photography knowledge.

A great photography tip is to simply be prepared. There's nothing worse than showing up to a location to shoot at the wrong time, or to realize that your camera only has half a charge left. Take steps to make sure that you're prepared at all times.

When photographing a building or landscape, consider shooting from an angle that incorporates a strong point of interest apart from the "bigger picture." Examples could include a colorful bouquet of flowers next to the building, or a majestic oak tree in the forefront of that distant sunset. Landscapes are often lost in translation if not defined by their proximity to other items.

Improve your photography by paying attention to the light. Lighting should usually be behind the photographer rather than the subject. A subject being backlit will create a silhouette. Be careful when the light is behind the photographer though, if it is too bright it might cause the subject to squint.

A great photography tip is to make sure your shots have depth in them. An easy way to achieve that is to be sure that you have a background, a middle ground, and a foreground. Having all three of these will give your pictures a sense of atmospheric perspective.

When taking photos of large structures or natural features, include people in the shot for scale. It may be difficult for those looking at your photos out of context to appreciate the size of a subject without a more familiar subject upon which to anchor their interpretations of relative size.

Use your camera's zoom feature to highlight your subject and eliminate nearby distractions. After you've framed the subject, take a moment to look around the frame to see if there's anything creeping in on the sides that will end up being a distraction in the final image. If there is, zoom in a little until the distractions are gone from the frame. If your camera doesn't have a zoom feature take a few steps forward and then re-frame your subject.

While talent can be an important factor in taking excellent photographs, there is quite a bit of learned technique that goes into it as well. Learning the latest techniques on a decent camera and practicing them again and again, should bring up your confidence level. Understanding how to take great pictures can become much more rewarding.

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