Saturday, February 18, 2012

How To Create Customised Google Maps

By Edward White

All of us know what a map is, what it appears like and what it is designed for. Making a map for your business will make it simplier and easier for your clients to find you, particularly if this is an online map like the Google Maps.

In terms of internet site design and development, designers and developers like to incorporate Google Maps into internet site because of its simpleness and versatility. It should not cost your enterprise a lot of money to incorporate Google Maps into your site. In fact, there is only admin fee required. But, you can further ask your site designer to maximise the use of its features and functionalities. Here are a few.

Changing Custom Look And Feel. Google Maps lets you to customize the default look and feel so that you could create your own desired color for landmarks, for instance, parks and roads. Apart from making it easy for your clients to locate you utilising helpful landmarks, you will also pick up on the design of your site via a good map.

Business Information. Google Maps lets you to put information about your enterprise, like shop hours, or what products or services you are offering, by means of the Information Window. This is a very efficient advertising opportunity for you. Your visitors can hover over your map to look at the data about your business. You can additionally make regular announcements like sales or anniversary promos.

Simple Markers. What help is a map if there are no markers on it? The aim of a map is to make it a lot easier for people to find locations, and this is only possible with markers. Google Maps allows you to make use of markers to make your place clearer to your viewers.

Changeable Icons. Version 3 Of Google Maps now presents the capability to customize icons that point to location. You can now play with a lot of imaginative icons to make your maps blended with your website, thus making it more appealing to visitors. The vital thing to keep in mind is the business value of customizing icons, you can try to use icons that put out your brand more successfully.

Google Maps offers all these features free of charge, so why not take benefit of it to the full. You can even insert different shapes like polygons, circles, and rectangles as you fancy. If you want help to get things completed faster, it would be highly recommended to get help from a veteran web designer. Just keep in mind this will be very beneficial for your business, so get on the maps.

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