Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Complete Review Of Adobe Photoshop Elements 9

By Willy D Wear

If you have a need for image editing software, you might want to try Adobe Photoshop Elements 9, a smaller version of Photoshop. Even though this program is far less expensive than Photoshop, it does have quite a few features. The primary difference is that this program is geared toward the average user, and can do great things with images. As you will soon see, Photoshop Elements is an exceptional program that has faults and many positive aspects.

Oftentimes, people that take digital images will see things in them that they want to change. An example of a change that you may want to make might include removing passersby that should not be in the picture. This could include buildings, traffic, and other things that simply got into the picture frame. So instead of having an excellent photo, you end up with things in the image that distract those that see it. Therefore, when you use Elements, you'll see how quickly you will be able to modify these problems. One particular component, Spot Healing Brush, allows you to erase unwanted components of your digital images. By using this, you will have complete control of your images after all.

You may be wondering if you should get Elements or the full version of Photoshop. While this is a personal choice, the fact is that the vast majority of people will find that Elements can do everything they need to do with their photos. If you do buy the full version, it will cost you several hundred dollars more, and you'll find that it's much more complicated to learn. It will also use up more of your computer's resources to run. For the most part, the full version of Photoshop is appropriate for professional photographers or graphic designers. If you need advanced features such as Advanced Color Management, Advanced Layer Style Manipulation or Lens Blur Filter, then you should get the full version. For most users, however, Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 will be perfectly sufficient.

Although it is much simpler than Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 is complicated to some degree which many people find out after starting the program. This program is not without a learning curve regardless of your experience. A user manual that you can read, by the way, is not included with Elements. Although instructions are provided, and you will be able to learn how to use this software, the lack of a user manual that you can hold and read is quite problematic. You will have to purchase the Adobe Photoshop Elements user manual at an additional cost, something that you might want to consider doing. There will be less frustration involved if you get the user manual, so it is something you should seriously consider.

If you're considering Adobe Photoshop Elements 9, the points we've covered in this review should be helpful to you. If you want a program that can transform your photos in any way manner you want, Elements is a good choice. However, you have to be willing to put in the time it takes to learn all of the features. Elements also has a few glitches, so you should research how well the software runs on your type of computer and operating system.

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