Saturday, April 26, 2014

How To Choose The Best Vintage Saxophone Dealers

By Essie Osborn

It is never easy to purchase an antique item if you are not a professional collector. It is unlikely that you will know the difference between a genuine and a fake one. In addition, the demand has created a market with so many counterfeits that one can easily get conned. If you want to locate reliable vintage saxophone dealers, consider the tips below and you will not regret your decision.

When looking for a trader, it is advisable to ask your workmates, neighbors, friends and relatives to recommend people that they know. Most of these people have worked with sellers in the past and they will give you some referrals. You can also make inquiries from the Art and Antiques earls League of America.

Look for specialists. There are antique dealers who collect almost everything. While they may find you what you are looking for, their information regarding the item may be limited. Someone who only specializes in saxophones while help you more because they may also be able to fill any information gaps you may have.

You should inquire about the experience that the individual has. Ask them the length of time they have been selling or collecting vintage items. A seller who has been in the industry for many years will have seen many items and will have more knowledge compared to one who is just starting out. You should also ask about the sources of their antiques.

You should go for an expert who is associated with a professional body. This is not a guarantee of trustworthiness on the part of the seller, but it shows that he/she is serious with his/her work. This is because the members must adhere to the standards and practices that have been set by their organization.

Inquire about the methods that the trader uses when researching their items. Most merchants will gather information about their products using the professional associations, books, guides, personal experiences and the internet. This helps the experts to determine the authenticity and condition of the pieces and set the right price.

Ask for references. When you interview the seller, ask for contacts of a few of their frequent customers. You can call these people so that you get independent opinions about their experiences and the items they have bought from the shop. Ask if they specifically bought a saxophone.

Inquire about any terms and conditions of the sale. This will help you know the partnership that you are getting into. You should understand the buying arrangements like deposits and the person who will settle the repair costs. Some sellers will keep the ownership rights if you have not fully paid for the item.

The manner in which the shop attendants handle their customers is very important. If they seem disinterested in assisting you or answering your questions, then you could as well consider other options.

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