Saturday, April 26, 2014

How To Choose A Jazz Guitar Amp

By Essie Osborn

Jazz is a musical genre that tends to attract passionate musicians and listeners. These are people who tend to listen carefully to the music and analyse it like some people analyse sports. This means that they tend to be very particular when it comes to choosing instruments and other equipment. However while choosing the right instrument is important you also have to choose the right amplifier such as a jazz guitar amp.

On a basic level the job of an amplifier is to amplify sound. In technical terms this means that when you are playing a room the people at the back should be able to hear you as well as the people at the front. It is important to have an amplifier that is effective in this regard so that everyone listening gets the same experience.

However amplifiers are not solely technical devices. The way in which the sound is amplifies can affect the quality of the music as well. Therefore you need to consider how the music sounds as much as whether or not someone can physically hear what you are playing.

In recent times there have been more amps that use digital effects. Some people like these as it gives them the chance to create effects they would not necessarily have been able to with other means. However others may feel that this creates a more artificial sound. Ultimately this is why it is important to test and try out amps before purchasing them.

There is also an issue regarding the level of control. While it may be tempting to pick an amp with a lot of additional buttons this can make them more complex for people who have only just started playing jazz guitar. Fortunately there are also amplifiers with simpler controls for people who are just getting started!

While the quality of sound is a big issue for people choosing amplifiers there are other practical considerations. You need to think about how far you will have to carry it, where you will store it and so forth. While you want something that creates the best sound you have to think about where you can lift it.

One way to reduce space is to use a combination amplifier and speaker. This reduces the amount of items you have to move around, install and so forth. However some people feel this can negatively affect the sound. As with a single amplifier it is recommended that you test them first in order to gauge what is best suited to your instrument and style of playing.

You can find a number of websites and specialist stores that sell amplifiers for your jazz guitar. It is best to look at various options and compare what they have to offer as well as checking customer reviews, feedback and recommendations from fellow jazz musicians. This will make it easier to find the ideal amp to suit your sound.

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