Sunday, April 20, 2014

What Piano Lessons Helena Alabam Would Teach

By Anita Ortega

The piano is definitely one of the most distinct instruments in the world as it is one of the most respected of all instruments. It is for this reason that many people would want to learn how to play this instrument. Now of course if one would want to learn how to play it, then it is very important that he take up some piano lessons helena alabam.

Now if he does sign up for a class, the first thing that he should remember is that he will not be touching the instrument during the first day. During the first day, the instructor will first be introducing the student to the music line and the musical notes that he will have to learn how to read. Now if one already has some background in music, then the instructor will just give a short review.

Now after learning the basics about the musical notes and the musical line, then next thing that he would learn would be the basic keys. Now before he plays a song, he has to first know about the basic keys of the instrument. He must take note that there are two sets of keys there namely the flats and the sharps.

When he puts his hand on the keyboard, he will start off by putting his thumb on the C key with his other fingers put on the next following keys. Now whenever he plays a song, this position will be his base and he will always start from there. When starting off, he will first learn to play with one hand, namely the right hand.

Now the very first thing that one would be doing would be to press the keys one after the other slowly. Now this is an exercise that would help his fingers get used to the pressing of the keys. Of course one should start off slowly first then gradually increase the pace when he feels like he can already.

When he is done practicing with the right hand, he can now go ahead and practice the exact same thing with the left hand. Now do take note that using the left hand is a little bit harder and will need a bit of extra work. Once he has already mastered the left hand, then he should do the exercise with both hands and move them at the same time.

Now from there, the teacher will be teaching him other finger exercises that will help him get his rhythm and reflexes so that when he plays his first song, his sound will be more fluid. The exercises will get harder and harder every time he would advance in his lessons which means he should expect more painful fingers. After perfecting all these exercises, he will learn how to play the chords.

In a nutshell, chords are a combination of keys that one would play all at the same time in order to create a full and complete sound. Now when one would be playing a song, he would be incorporating these chords. Upon learning all the basic chords, he will then be able to learn a song.

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