Friday, April 25, 2014

Make Your Backpacking Trip More Memorable With A Portable Guitar

By Essie Osborn

Backpacking is not just for students anymore. These days people go backpacking while they're considering a career change or they take a sabbatical from work for a few months. Backpacking can enrich your life in many different ways, especially if you travel to a developing country and gain perspective on your own world. Obviously there are some things to invest in when preparing for your trip, such as a good backpack. One investment you won't regret is getting a portable guitar.

While all guitars are in fact portable, they're not always easy to travel with. They can be bulky and unwieldy. However, guitars that were made especially for travelers are a great option. They're smaller than regular guitars but produce the same sound. They're not to be confused with ukuleles, which produce a higher pitch.

The benefits of travel guitars are evident as soon as you board your flight to your destination. Because they normally fit within the parameters of allowable hand luggage, you don't have to check them into the hold. This means that there's a smaller risk that they'll sustain damage during the loading or unloading of luggage. Moreover, their lightness means that you won't have to pay excess-baggage fees.

What makes backpacking such an adventure is that you often take the same modes of public transport that the locals do. In many developing countries, this will likely be a bus or a minibus. Drivers and their assistants often insist on placing large items on the roof of the vehicle for the journey but if your instrument is small and compact, you'll be able to keep it with you or put it in the overhead racks. This makes it easier to quickly transfer from one vehicle to another.

Travel guitars are wonderful for hiking trips or treks through the jungle. When you find yourself in the wilderness, evenings can be boring because there's no WiFi or TV. Being able to entertain your companions with some music is a great alternative.

Having a musical instrument with you helps you to be more social too. You'll make new friends at the hostels where you'll be staying as everyone gathers to sing along. However, if you need some peace, you can always take your guitar and go sit on a deck to watch the sunset, on the banks of a great river or in a hammock on the beach. You'll cherish these memories forever.

Many backpackers travel on a shoestring budget. It's very easy to overspend and then you might have to find a way to make some extra money. If you can play your instrument well enough, you may be able to make some cash through busking or by finding some gigs in local bars and restaurants. The owners of these establishments are often looking for new talent to entertain their clientele.

While some music stores sell travel guitars, you'll have more luck looking online. Another but usually more expensive option is to have one custom made by a professional guitar builder. However, it's a great investment that you won't regret and that will provide many wonderful travel memories.

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