Friday, April 18, 2014

The Essence Of Learning How To Play Piano Chords

By Essie Osborn

Music is the medicine to the soul. This is just but one of the few sayings that go with music when it comes to describing the effect it has on the listeners. However, the holistic description of the effect of music on the listeners is a wild goose chase, the experience on has at the hands of music is phenomenal. The diversity in this field has led to people sticking to particular genres and others to specific instruments that accompany the production of music. The piano is among the main instruments used in the production of music and one need to know how to play piano chords if indeed he or she wishes to be a good pianist.

Just like any other musical instrument. One ought to learn the keys. This is the first step in the musical production. These keys make music look structured, easily understood and on top of it all worth listening.

The first type of keys are the major harmonies. These are the root keys and are taught in virtually all instruments. Form the drum sets, violin and guitar. These harmonies are E, F, C, D, G, A, B.

The second type of chords are the minor keys. These keys are like juniors of their parent root or major keys. Their sounding and the way they are held at the keyboard almost resemble the parent keys. They are used to bridge between shifting from one chord to another.

Music made by this instrument requires one to carefully go through the theory part. In this sense, if one has not yet fully mastered of understood how chords are held and press them on a keyboard it is quite hard to fathom absolute success in learning the instrument. Therefore, the initial step ought to be a student first of the practical playing of the piano before actual being the practical pianist.

Learning the piano just like any other instrument entails in to understand well the way the whole instrument and its mechanics come into play. This is the foremost and virtually the most important step one should consider before having to do anything. Learning entails discipline as one part the student just like any other form of teaching. This virtue goes without saying as one of the most important things to have.

One needs to have the potential in the first place. The presence of fingers is perfect scale for measuring the potential of one playing piano. The main idea is that the piano is an easy instrument to learn and needs not to be fed misconceptions about the size of the fingers and the ability to shift the fingers on the keyboard. The complexity of holding the chords is perfectly countered by practicing.

Lastly, one ought to have the passion to want to get better, learn and master playing the keyboard. This is vital and acts as the driving force in the whole process. This will push the students further forward in the event despair and the feeling of giving up caves in.

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