Saturday, August 31, 2013

Finding A Blues Festival North Carolina State

By Amanda Baird

When it comes to choosing a blues festival North Carolina seems to have more than most other states. With so many different events the state is a magnet for music lovers and performers alike, and they come from all walks of life. People often claim that there are so many events because the state is the spiritual home of this musical genre.

This particular style of music is often linked to the South, and has been about for a long time. Some saying that it was linked to the slave trade and the large plantations. Many say that it really developed during the 1930s, just as the country began to emerge from the troubles of the 1920s. However it developed it has continued to gain in popularity.

As with any musical genre there are slightly different sub-styles. As these sub-styles affect and influence each other, the music continues to grow and adapt. One such sub-style is called guitar finger picking, also called the Piedmont style. It seems to have risen alongside the growth of the state's tobacco industry.

It was amongst the tobacco warehouses that the performers would gather on a regular basis. They would practice with each other, and so the sound and style was slowly adapted and formed. They had a ready made audience with all the farmers and businessmen who traded in these areas. These people would stop and listen if something caught their ear, and it wasn't long before this Piedmont style was recorded.

Now any fan of this particular style of music can do a quick search on line and find out just how many different events there are each year. People have even relocated to the state because of their love of the music. It seems almost as if at any given time during the year there is an event happening somewhere, from the mountains in the west to the coast in the east.

What a wonderful musical heritage these people from this fine state have. Anyone who has had any dealings with these people will know how warm hearted they are. So for anyone who decides to attend any of these performances you can guarantee that you will be made to feel welcome.

During the summer months it is quite common for these concerts to be held 'al fresco'. These summer events do seem to have a real family friendly atmosphere. Many will be the time that you will spot different generations of the same family at these venues. There is nothing finer than enjoying perfect summer weather as you listen to well performed music alongside other music lovers.

The state being known for its hospitality also helps at these events. No one goes hungry as there is always plenty of home style cooking available. Once you have eaten your fill just get up and dance, you will not be the only one.

A blues festival North Carolina style really can be as good as it sounds. Use a search engine next time you go online and you will quickly find out where and when the next concert will be taking place. So it sounds like a good idea to go and enjoy yourself with other music fans at one of these events.

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