Wednesday, August 21, 2013

When Discovering Jeff Andrews Bass Player Fans Will Be Pleased

By Essie Craft

Jeff Andrews bass player is one of the most famous guitar players on this planet and has played with several renown bands. This amazing guitarist recorded with people such as Mike Stern, Jimi Tunnell and other such bands. From a very young age he became interested in playing the bass guitar and saw a gap in the market.

This particular fact drove the talented musician to begin playing this particular guitar at the age of thirteen; and further studied music in Maryland. But mainly he gained experience by replicating music that he listened to and worked to perfect performing these songs. During these learning years, many opportunities arose where rock bands gave this young guitarist the opportunity to play in their bands.

From these early days he went on to study music at Berkeley College where the art of music was further perfected. But it was not until this legend moved to New York that a professional career started to form, when numerous professional musicians offered further lessons. As with any musician practicing on a daily basis is vital to maintain the craft and improvement is unlimited. Although this guitarist plays acoustic bass as well as guitar, the main instrument that one will often find this famous guitarist playing, is the electric option.

It was during the beginning of this career while performing in local village bars, with other musicians that the future magic of this musician met with the right person. Jeff started looking for someone that would be able to play alongside him and Mike Stern was that person. This meeting grew into a longstanding friendship that spanned several creative years.

One will more often than not find this talented man spending hours on end recording new material. This is done in the comfort of a privately built state of the art recording studio inside his home. Tours of Austria and Germany were all highly successful and fans were delighted with the release of a solo album in collaboration with Art of Life Records.

This exceptionally creative man teaches students music at Manhattan's art school. Through his contact with young talented students, he is continuously inspired to continue creating music. But if asked this guitarist will always advise his students to draw inspiration by listening to decent music and working every day to the fullest to achieve success.

When this talented man is not playing music, one will find him partaking in one of his two hobbies; reading or sailing. Admittedly the bass guitar is a little bit more difficult to perfect than one may think and it takes years of constant practice to play effectively. This is especially true due to the fact that there are different types of guitars designed for various genres such as fusion, jazz or heavy metal.

If anyone asked how this man achieved notoriety, this very talented musician, would say it was only dedication and hard work. But in truth, Jeff Andrews bass player is a genius and has influenced today's music industry. Particularly when it comes to people who are interested in learning to become a bass guitarist.

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