Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Guide: Sell Rap Beats And USE Free Beats

By Delroy Wilkins

Hip hop has grown as a genre of music in just a short number of years. There are more and more aspiring hip hop artists everywhere, each trying to make it big. Two major elements of hip hop are the rapper and the beats. A rapper can rap, but it will not be complete without the beats. In the same way, beats will remain uninspiring and pointless unless lyrics are attached to them.

The rapper is, of course, the one that dishes out the verses and the lyrics while beats provide the "spice" that will make people sway and nod their heads in response to the rap. These two elements are extremely important. Take one from the other and hip hop will become uninspiring and pointless.

In another case, you could be on the other end of the spectrum trying to sell your beats to aspiring or established hip hop artists. So how exactly do you go about it? There are websites available that bring together beat makers as well as hip hop artists. The interface of these sites allows for easy navigation. It is also very direct for both the seller and the buyer.

But let's say you are at the other end of the spectrum: you're an aspiring musician who is trying to sell your works to other hip hop artists. Is it possible? Of course it is! There are plenty of websites in the Internet that serves as an online meeting place for different beat makers and artists from all over the world.

Through this, you can then have different pages dedicated to simply advertising your beats. You can even let a few of them be sampled online.

The second method would be to use the websites as mentioned above, while the third option involves a mix of the above two options. It goes without saying that the better option would be to go with the third method of both selling your beats on host sites as well as your own.

Another method would be to use the websites mentioned above as a platform. Of course you can choose the third option and mix the two aforementioned methods. Making your own websites and making your presence felt in other sites can maximize the reach of your beats and allow them to spread out and be noticed by different people. And whether you choose to allow artists to retain all rights to your creations or keep them to yourself, the point is that you're free to make your own decisions regarding your music.

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