Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tips For The Beginner Beat Maker

By Delroy Wilkins

There are many ways to enter the world of hip hop, you can buy beats online and show off your silver tongue. You can find talent and produce the beats yourself. If you take the path to being a beat maker, you need to produce instrumentals that people who are planning to buy beats online, would, at least pay attention to. Of course, the entire beat making process does not come through with a snap of a finger but there are simple things that can be done to bring out your creative side and start you off with an inspiration to create your beats.

Make It Attention Grabbing. Your beats are a beast on its own and although hip hop is all about vocals and instrumentals, you can to make the music stand alone. Your beat should have its little quirks and surprising highlights. This means that you should not place the burden of reeling in the audience to the lyrics. By making a great musical arrangement, you can flip the creative button of the MC and give him some inspiration for the verses.

Simplicity at the beginning. Every success came from a small beginning. This is especially true when it comes to beat creation. The desire to create a beat that's successful might be so much that you lose sight of where to start. Simply start with simple cords. Learning and understanding the different cords might be a challenging task but it pays off in the end. Your goal at this point is to master both major and minor cords before advancing to mixing and blending different notes to create a unique and original beat.

Stick with the traditional formula. Hip hop tracks are just like ordinary songs, they have a chorus and yes in spite of the rapped verses there are still songs which have middles 8s. This only means one thing; traditional song structure should still be at the core of your beats even if you are trying for something fresh. There's a reason why the structure is popular, for one it is highly universal and for that, it is highly appreciated.

Reinforce the Song's Story. Never forget that you don't just make beats, you use it as part of the mix together with the vocals. Hip hop is a whole new way to tell a story and aside from the obvious sound effects to correlate with the MC's words but you don't have to stop at that. Why not take it to a higher level such as adding effects like reverb when the lyrics tell about being inside a tunnel.

The entire industry of beat production is not lost even if you can simply buy beats online. There's so much room for music which more than meets the eye. For new beat makers who are up to the challenge of creating the perfect bit, there's much to learn about creating the perfect set of beats.

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