Monday, September 5, 2011

6 Suggestions For Successful Video Marketing

By Matt Brading

Video marketing is a wonderful way for photographer to generate fast, free net traffic to their websites. A large number of photographers are doing it already. They create slideshows using their digital stock photography, then convert that to an easy video format, and submit that to all the video sharing sites. If you are thinking about trying this for yourself, here are six tips to be certain you get the best possible results for your efforts ...

Keywords : The idea is to discover a couple of specific phrases to target with each video. Include them in the title and in the description when you're submiting the video. The key is to get specific.It is far easier to get a high ranking for a phrase than a single word or even a 'broad ' phrase. Don't be scared to go 'long-tailed ' ... A 3-5 word phrase ... You will get a better ranking and better targeted traffic. The bonus is, a large amount of long-tail keywords will share the same broad phrase, so as you submit one or two videos you might also start ranking for the broad phrase as well.

Title: Use your main keyword phrase, but also make it interesting and catchy. Your video previews don't always 'sell ' your video well, so be sure your title works for you also , building interest and curiosity, prompting people to stop to take a look.

Description: Always start your description with your full site address. Then use your keyword immediately after that, built into a readable, engaging outline. Keep it to 200 words or less.

Competition: What we are doing here is quite specialized, so this should not be a problem, but always do a search in Google for your Keyword Phrase, and make sure there are not too many sites competing. Over 100,000 results and you need to get some more precise with your phrase ... Less than 30,000 and you stand a fair chance of taking out position one!

Length: Always remember the goal here is to get folk to go to your internet site ... So always leave your viewers desiring more. 10-12 pictures is plenty. Always finish up by letting the viewer know more pictures on this subject are available in your pro stock catalogue at!

Audience: Also remember you are attempting to attract photography buyers, so be sure your slideshow is completely professional and ensure your captions indicate you're a professional and your work is for sale. When picking your keyword phrase, always choose one more likely than be searched for by commercial photo buyers ... Ie "xyz stock images" instead of "xyz pictures".

Beyond that, the genuine power of this is the chance to create something that goes 'viral'. Use your imagination and creativity to make something that people feel compelled to pass on to their mates and co-workers. When that starts to happen, you can generate a wave of interested visitors you your site that's impossible to stop.

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