Sunday, September 18, 2011

Capturing the Spirit of MayDay With My New Nikon D5100 Digital SLR Camera

By Jason McCormack

The start of May has been really enjoyed in the Northern hemisphere as being a celebration relating to spring and also the coming of the summer. The days steadily grow longer, the trees and flowers come into bloom whilst nature energizes right after the lengthy winter. May Day galas usually tend to served to be able to lead to fertility together with a very good crop and have for the most part happen to be a special event intended for well-liked and often raucous occasions. These traditions are often traced back to age-old pagan events for example, the Celtic festivity of Beltane and the Germanic pageant of Walpurgis Night .

The 1st of May has a special significance for anarchists, socialists and also other trade unionists as International Workers Day. It honors the struggle to have an eight hour working day and recalls the sacrifice of eight anarchists who were framed as accessories to murder following the throwing of some sort of bomb at law enforcement officials breaking up a peaceful demonstration in Chicago on the 1st of May 1886. Four were subsequently executed, 1 committed suicide and 3 other folks sentenced to very long prison terms in advance of getting pardoned. An unknown number of other strikers were slaughtered or wounded on that day when the authorities opened fire at the crowd. After that, May Day has been a day when working people throughout the world exhibit their strength, proclaim their particular ideals as well as commemorate their particular accomplishments; plus for folk to contemplate what they can contribute to make a better world for our children in addition to our children's children.

This year, for me it has been a chance to get out and try my absolutely new DSLR electronic camera, the Nikon D5100. I had been interested in the D3100, but as I'd previously had an Slr camera before, all be it a film model, I didn't truly want yet another basic level product.

The D7000 had to be an alternative choice, it's a really great high-end camera for the advanced user, yet , on balance I felt that the intermediate level Nikon D 5100 was the only one for me and I've not been disappointed by the superb functionality and of course compatibility with my current stock of Nikkor lenses.

Just before I begin, I should definitely specify that I'm talking in relation to Glasgow, Scotland since there are at the very least , 4 different places of the same name around the world to my own knowledge. Apart from Glasgow in Scotland, the other three are actually within the United states, one each in Kentucky, Missouri and Montana. There is more than likely scope for a challenge here?

The sort of thing thought up after a night time within a pub just like staying at every one of the areas named Glasgow within just one month and getting your own photograph inside each of the respective local newspapers. Preferably not in the Wanted Dead or Alive section. Or maybe I could be expected to ask some passer-by to take my photo using my own new Nikon D5100 camera together with some local local landmark or celeb. This task would undoubtedly follow in the footsteps of Tony Hawkes hitching round Ireland with a refrigerator (but if you ask me that refrigerator appeared nearer in size to a mini-bar rather than the 1 My partner and i've got back at home). searching for each of the people in Facebook with the exact same name as oneself and aiming to meet these people. A bloke called Dave Gorman did that one, an individual moreover modified their identify to Dave Gorman merely to get in on the action. Now that is actually taking things slightly far.

In any case, right here in Glasgow the first weekend in May stands out as the Streetland community arts celebration, at this point in it's 2nd year with visual art, live art, music and songs, videos, live theater, food, walking tours, street games and cinema all occurring around just one small street within the Southside. A veritable frenzy of sound, color, activity coupled with cultures. Roma music, the pakora making challenge, Brazilian Capoeira Angola performers, Scottish vocalists, what more could a digital photographer with an all new digital camera wish to be able to research the competencies of his most up-to-date acquisition?

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