Thursday, December 15, 2011

6 Simple Tips For A Party Photo Booth

By Faye Hall

At a party when there's a party photo booth the location is important, it needs to be visible. The entrance is a good location, as is near the refreshments. When it is in a visible place people will notice it and visit it. To get enough participation it should be set up somewhere it won't be missed.

The party photo booth should have an attractive sign. The sign will identify what the booth is for and if there's a charge for having the photo taken or to print it. People are more likely to get their picture taken if they know the details about why it is there.

If there is going to be a charge for the booth it is wise to charge for the printing of the photo not for having the picture taken. If the charge is for the printing of the photo people will be more open to having their picture taken because they can then choose to buy it according to whether they like the picture or not. Depending on the event it might be fun to have an album printed up of all the pictures as well.

The booth should be attractive. Setting up the booth in an attractive way will draw attention to it and cause people to be more likely to participate. A black backdrop may do for basic photos but at a party there should be a more festive sense around it.

The booth should have some sort of theme. Having a theme will make the booth more interesting and more fun. Some possible themes include: hats and noisemakers at a birthday party, a romantic theme at a prom, or a baby doll at a baby shower.

The person taking the photos should be animated and sociable. Excitement and enthusiasm gives rise to more of the same. If your photographer is excited about what he or she is doing those having their pictures taken will also be excited.

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