Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Brief Guide To Event Photography

By Tanya Hanes

Event photography has always been an attractive career for the creatively inclined. In various events, like sports events, weddings, and even business meets, the event photographer is given an attractive fee for making use of his talent. The importance of event photography is that it permits people to protect their memories of important occasions and recall them later through the photos.

Any properly trained photographer can indulge in event photography and be competent in it. However, to become an expert there are some tips that must be kept in mind.

The first and foremost aspect to be considered is the event you are photographing and the final use of the pictures. Take a corporate event as an illustration, the pictures of the event could be printed in an internal magazine of the company, and thus, your objective must be to indicate the manner and scheme of the proceedings of the event in your photographs. On the other hand, if you are covering a private party, then it would be more prudent to concentrate on the people, especially their faces.

Alertness is an important factor in event photography. You should be absolutely aware of the happenings around you and must know when to take a photograph and when to wait. Clients also like to employ photographers who can comprehend the proceedings on their own and do not have to be constantly told to click a picture. This is something which you can cultivate only with time but you must continue making attempts to acquire this talent.

Information about the location would assist you in photographing the event properly. You should make yourself familiar with the area where most of the action will be taking place and find proper spots to position yourself for an unobstructed view of the proceedings.

As far as the technical aspects are concerned, always ensure that you are well versed in using your camera and all its aspects, so that you can quickly click photos from tough angles and not miss important moments. Lighting is a critical part of photography and a good event photographer should collect information about the intensity of light that will be available at the site. On the basis of this understanding, you should be ready with appropriate equipment and with the camera in the correct mode.

Lastly, every event photographer must have a pleasant disposition. You must be able to befriend the people you are photographing. If you are able to interact with the people and understand the spirit of the event then the subjects would be more at ease and the images will be much better.

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