Friday, December 23, 2011

Shutterbug's Essential Guide To Better Photography Skills

By Terrilyn Gebauer

Photography is an interesting hobby for many people, whether they like to scrapbook, capture moments in a unique way, or give photos as gifts. There are few things more priceless than photographs! Read the tips in this article to become better equipped to make that perfect picture!

Try adding one or two stops when you shoot objects like snow or beaches to make sure that they are receiving the proper amount of exposure. Scenes that are very white or even very black will try to fool your camera's light meter and you will need to make adjustments to compensate.

Try moving your subject to the left or right of the screen, instead of having them in the center of the picture. Use the rule of thirds. To do this, imagine there is a grid on the screen with three lines going horizontally and two going vertically. Some cameras do have the grid option. To create balance, place your subject where the lines come together.

As an artist, a photographer needs to take pictures that convey the proper meanings they are trying to come across with. Composition is everything when it comes to taking pictures, and photographers must be able to shoot the proper composition. These photographs are ones that people look at and know what the photographer means with the picture.

Use the macro mode to get clear close-up pictures. Instead of fiddling with the lens every time you want a close-up of a small object, simply use the macro mode. Using the macro mode will allow you to get clear, close-up pictures with a soft focus.

When warming up to shoot a wedding, try catching some unexpected shots of small details -- a bag of makeup sitting on a table or a close-up of a flower. This gives you a chance to adjust your settings and get in the mood, and it gets the bridal party used to hearing your camera's shutter. You may also capture some gems in the process.

An important tip to consider with photography is that you want to make sure you know how to properly hold a camera. This is important because without proper holding procedures, you are not getting the most stable image possible. Keep your arms close to your body and you should be supporting your lens with your non-dominant hand.

Many people enjoy taking and keeping photographs of special occasions, accomplishments, or friends and family members for photo albums. Whatever reason you may like to take photos, remembering the tips in this article will help you take more interesting and memorable pictures that anyone would enjoy!

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