Friday, December 2, 2011

Photography Tips & Tricks

By Ben Smith

Do you think you need a fancy camera or years of experience to be able to take breath taking images with trick photography? Well think again with Trick Photography and Photo Techniques even a complete novice can be creating cool and amazing Trick Pictures in no time.

With our Trick Photography eBook we will teach you the necessary Photo Techniques to take breath taking Trick Pictures with your digital camera by following these simple steps.

Module 1 - Helping you get to grips with mastering the settings of a high definition digital camera these are shutter speed, ISO and white balance. These simple but essential setting that you must know and we take you through simple steps for learning. Do not worry it sounds complicated but with our Trick Photography eBook learning guide you will be learning how to work the camera like a professional in absolutely no time at all.

Module 2 - How to use HDR Photography to turn any dull photography into a dramatic hyper realistic photo that pops with fantastic colour and depth and bring your photographs to life. Over 10 mind-bending optical illusions that you can do straight out of the camera without using any special software or equipment. You'll learn things like forced perspective, fake transparent screens, rotated perspective, birefringence, and shaped bokeh effects.

Module 3 - Learn photo techniques that the professionals use learn how to set your images from the rest with trick and tips like levitation, invisible flesh, invisible man, making objects float and cloning people in a single photograph. You do not need expensive image editing programme we can tell you where to get the best free editing software to complete your images.

This super-valuable bonus kit of mini eBooks is going to show you all the stuff you need to know on becoming a photographer that knows what they are doing in the field, being able to operate their camera in full manual mode. Learn Extra Trick Photography & Photo Techniques. Absolutely Free when you buy Trick Photography & Special Effects.

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