Sunday, December 25, 2011

Things You Need To Know About Taking Better Pictures

By Bernetta Souvannavong Goulette

Photography can be a very relaxing and renewing hobby for you to take part in. This kind of art is not rocket science, but it does require some knowledge so that you don't end up missing shots of something special or just taking poor photos. This list of tips should help you become a successful photographer.

Invest in scarves of many colors. It is a cheap prop that you can use to add color and dimension to your subject. Have your subject wear a plain color that will work well with many colors. Add the different colored scarves to the different shots and find the one that works best with the background and the subject's coloring.

Understand and get to know your camera. Although this sounds simple, many people have never even read the instructions on how to operate their camera. Get to know and understand the various menus and functions of every button on it so that when you need to use a certain function, you know where to find it and that the camera can accomplish it.

Experiment with different shutter speeds to see what works best for different scenarios. Photography allows you to capture a split-second moment and to blur together large time periods. Using a faster shutter speed will let you catch objects while they are in motion, while a slow shutter speed is great for capturing serene natural settings.

Make your subject comfortable when taking their photograph, otherwise your shot will capture their true uneasiness and nerves. This is especially true when shooting a subject to music. Take the extra time to make sure that they are totally relaxed and totally ready before you begin shooting subjects like this.

Try not use your camera's red-eye reduction. This normally does a pre-flash that shrink's the subject's pupils to reduce the reflection. While this works, it also gives the person a warning and can either cause them to flinch when the actual photo is being taken or they'll pose more for the photo. You're better off using computer image editing software to edit out the red-eye later.

When working with flowers or a lot of natural subject matter outside, try to take your shots on an overcast day. It seems like it wouldn't provide enough light, but it will surprise you. This kind of diffused light eliminates any unwanted shadows making it the perfect time to shoot subjects outside.

Choose your locations after you see what your subject is going to wear for the photos. These things should be planned out before the day of the photos to be sure that they are not going to clash. If you have subjects wearing bright clothing, choose a muted background to shoot in front of.

As you can see, there is a lot more to photography than most people think. It requires a lot of research and a lot of practice, but it will be worth it in the end to help you take better pictures. By following the above tips, you can become a better photographer.

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