Friday, December 16, 2011

Reasons To Try Cotton Envelopes For Home Or Office

By Lori B Olson

Most of the paper used in stationary comes from trees. Although some paper products can be recycled, there are other considerations to take into account. In many cases, cotton envelopes can offer an effective alternative to wood based paper. Here are a few reasons to consider this alternative to wood.

Saving the Planet

This fiber does not contain wood products, and when you eliminate wood in paper, you are using fewer trees. Areas like rain forests are disappearing at an alarming rate, and if something is not done soon, they will eventually be gone. Once they are gone, it may impossible to replace them.

Disappearing forests can have a large impact on the environment in a number of ways. With fewer trees, there is less oxygen and a lot more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is due to the fact that trees produce oxygen and they take in carbon dioxide, in photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas that can contribute to global warming. Global warming can actually be responsible for bringing about an Ice Age.

When trees are used in production of paper, it leaves fewer resources for other concerns. Many industries need wood in order to survive. The housing industry is a prime example of wood dependency and it is a major part of world economies.


A lot of paper material contains acid from the wood pulp. Acid is a major reason for the breakdown of important papers and documents. Alternative materials will keep much better than wood based paper. This is very important for things that need to last for many generations. If stored in the right environment, alternative source paper will still be in good condition, long into the future.

Final Thoughts

Many people believe that there is an inexhaustible supply of wood on the planet, yet trees and forests are disappearing at a rapid rate. This can have huge environmental effects on the earth and its climate. Cotton envelopes provide an alternative to using paper made from trees. They also do not contain acid, which will attack and destroy paper, over time. This makes it perfect for important documents and for archiving.

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