Saturday, December 3, 2011

Stock Photography Tips - Making Money By Selling Stock Photos

By Dan Feildman

If you are having a tough time making ends meet in today's economy you are not alone yet there is a great way you can earn extra income by turning your digital photos into cash. If photography is your passion you can turn it into an extra income. The incredible thing about this opportunity is that all you need is a digital camera, an internet connection, and access to a photo editing software program. If this sounds like something you would be interested in trying out simply read on to learn how you can succeed in this business.

Due to the Internet we are now living in a global marketplace where people can purchase anything they want, including digital photos. Websites specializing in stock photography provide photos to consumers such as web designers, product marketers, newsletter creators, etc. Each of these consumers are looking for creative, quality photos and it is here where you can earn an incredible income simply by uploading your photos and waiting for them to be purchased. Basic photos are what sell the best so don't worry if you think your photos won't attract consumers.

One tip to selling is picking a theme for your photographs. Attracting the customers attention is vital and you can do this by uploading your most attractive and finest quality photos. Creativity is also vital and this is achieved by putting a new spin on basic items. Customers are looking to purchase images that will enhance their product so if you have put a new spin on an existing item you will be catching their eye. A great example is a photograph of a lady with red lipstick in one hand and a cherry in other. This photo will sell more than a monkey jumping through the trees.

Are you a novice in this field? Clicking photographs as a hobby is completely different from clicking it from a professional point of view. Your friends might give you advice on how to shoot photos, but it would be better if you obtain some serious advice. There are several e-books that can guide you and is one of the best. It has clear instructions on how you can actually start getting great results in digital photography by following a few guidelines, and will guide your online photography business to immediate success.

I mentioned that you would want access to photo editing software as you will need to crop and edit your photos. If you are unfamiliar with these programs I recommend you look into Here there are loads of tutorials and tricks to make the most of your digital photos. The site creator, David Peters, also has an e-book which gives you step-by-step instructions on how to master your skills in Adobe Photoshop Elements in just 2 hours!

Submitting your photos is the next step, once your research has been accomplished and you have taken some quality photos. While each site has its own guidelines for submission you will find that most want the photos submitted in the .jpg format. Quality is key so you will want to make sure your photos are crystal clear with no grain or noise. Copyright infringement standards are strictly adhered to so you want to make sure you don't include name brands or labels in your photos as these will automatically be rejected. If you do have a photo with a label or brand name on it don't worry, you can use photo editing software to remove these items as well as fix lighting and quality problems.

One of the most overlooked steps is naming your photographs. Don't rename your photos until you have uploaded them to the stock photography site; however, when naming your photos you want to include keywords that are appropriate to the photo itself. This is another area where prior research will pay off. Typically customers will use keywords to search for photos that they are looking for and to ensure your photos appear on the first page you want to use appropriate keywords to describe your photo. The best thing to do is look at similar photos and see what keywords they use to describe what they are selling.

So it is a wise idea if you upload your pictures in more than one agency site. It will minimize your loss too. There so many more important tips you need to make this an instantly profitable online business.

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