Sunday, December 2, 2012

Contributions Of Digital Collages To Art

By Ethel Harris

Art is undoubtedly the most effective way of expressing feelings. There is an adage that a picture is worth a thousand words. Art uses pictures to communicate not only words but also emotions. The discipline of art and craft has changed a lot. People used to create artistic work using oil paints and clay. These had their bright and dark sides. Over the years, there has been a need to come up with a way of making art accessible to the artists and the society at large. The newly formulated digital collages appear to serve this purpose. It is a relatively new emergence into craft-work.

Digital collage is a method in which an artistic piece of work is created using computer programs. People spend lots of time spent surfing the web. People rarely go out. Patronage of arts exhibitions is on the decrease.

It goes without saying that internet is now part and parcel of humanity. People spend lots of time glued to their computer screens. They seldom have time to venture out. As such, attendance of museum and arts exhibition keeps dwindling. Arts are made for people. The life of art depends on how much people appreciate it. Inadequate attendance of exhibitions threatens to kill this lucrative business. Computer generated collage has the ability of taking art to the people through the internet. This way, it helps keep art alive.

Few people have had the chance to participate in arts. Art has been kept away from people, including its ardent fans. This alienation started with the birth of the concept art as a talent. People had a notion that architects possessed special talents. This may be true to some extent. However it tends to alienate people from art. It bars would be fans from their journey to curiosity. The advent of computers has made the field of art quite comprehensible. With computers, all you need are a few skills in computer literacy, and maybe an imaginative mind. With this you can create play around with images and still end up with something really impressive.

It is easier to access computer generated artistic images. Currently, many people are lured to computers. The best way of marketing art to these people is by creating appropriate virtual images using computer software.

Computers add more features to a creative piece of work. Collage entails bringing disparate materials together to make a particular impression. Some of the raw materials are hard to come by, especially in the urban areas. On the contrary, there exists virtual images of everything on earth, and more. Through computers, you can draw pictures of any imaginable item or people. These images can be handled by software programs in creating unique collage.

Images generated by computers are easy to store, reproduce and modify. You can change a figure while keeping the blueprint intact. This you can do without much additional costs.

The contributions of the digital collages to the world of art can by no means be underrated. Digital collage is one sure way of prolonging the lifespan of art in spite of the progressive technological development.

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