Saturday, December 15, 2012

How To Prepare For Your Passport Photo Shoot

By Roseanne Picasso

Looking attractive on camera is a conscious decision. Yes, the appeal of the images presented by the photo artist doesn't happen by accident but by mindful effort. People who look good on pictures therefore understand what keeps them looking spectacular during the shoot. Want to know how they do it? Learn more by reading these tips on how to look great, especially on your passport photo:

Get some sleep. Lack of sleep can make you look a lot older than your actual age. Truth is, lack of sleep gives you that dark shadows under your eyes. Blood circulation occurs when you sleep, therefore giving you that natural facial colour. When you're devoid of sleep, expect to look really old. You don't want to look like a vampire during your photo shoot, do you?

Avoid sodium-rich foods. These foods can make you feel and look bloated. If you want to get rid of that dreadful look, make sure you chow only on healthy food sources before the photo shoot. Also, hydrate yourself with lots and lots of water intake.

Feel your best. When you feel great, you will look great! Stay positive and think of happy thoughts so you break into a lovely smile. The problem with smiling before the camera is that it looks really forced. There's always the mouth twitch, but the eyes do not really speak of joy. Speak an aura of happiness by thinking of funny thoughts.

A passport photo should exude a formal style. To do so, you must plan how you look on your passport photograph. Wear appropriate clothes, in particular, formal attire. Take a bath and sport a clean look before the camera.

To get the best passport photos, hire professional photography service from reputable photo studios in Singapore. Create an awesome-looking passport photo singapore with the help of these passport photo experts!

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