Monday, December 17, 2012

Reportage Photography For Weddings

By Charlie Michaels

The power to choose a photography approach that affects how a wedding day will be recalled for a long time is in the hands of the bridal couple. There are still requests for traditional wedding photography, but the demands for them has considerably reduced these days. An increasing number of betrothed couples in Singapore select a bolder approach in their wedding photography. Instead of posing and smiling for the camera, they favour photos that show the real happening in their wedding. They or may not be aware that the photographer has been taking their photo, but that's exactly how they want their photos taken.

Many wedding photographers in Singapore now offer reportage photography or photojournalism, which is a photography style that captures the real ambience of the event. The couples don't have to stop and pose for the camera at all times. They can just act natural and the photographer will shoot pictures whenever they think that a worthy shot should be captured. As a result, they are able to take pictures that look natural.

Because the couple and their guests don't need to pose and give their practiced smile in front of the camera, the photographer can capture sincere emotions. There may be times, however fleeting, when the father of the bride hides a tear when he gives his daughter away to her new husband, when the groom shows an appreciative glance at his wife, or when the sleepy flower girl tries hard to keep awake during the ceremony. These are the moments that make the wedding heartfelt, and must be captured on camera.

Conventional photography is still practiced these days. It's even almost necessary when it comes to taking wedding photographs. The photographer may ask the bride and the groom to pose together before and after the wedding. Or the photographer may likewise ask the entire family to pose with the newlywed couple right after the ceremony. These shots and some more are typically the must-take photos in the photographer's list, but the rest of the images are mostly unscripted.

A singapore wedding photographer usually offers both traditional and photojournalism photography for weddings. However, many couples these days prefer a combination of two types. They have a list of shots that they like taken and they also wish for a reportage photography style on their wedding.

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