Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Photo Studio: Your Key To Achieving Professional-Looking Baby Portraits

By Maicel Ryan

If you want to have keepsakes of your child, nothing beats quality photos. Nowadays, a lot of people in Singapore are into photography thanks to the availability of advanced cameras and advice from books and the Internet. However, a professionally done portrait is still the proper keepsake to have for your child. An excellent shot by a professional photographer in Singapore will certainly preserve memories of your child for many years to come.

How To Have A Successful Baby Portrait Photo Studio Session

Portrait photography sessions in photo studios require enough preparation to be a success. Adjust your preparations based on the age of the subject. Solo and group portrait shots have their own kind of needs too. So determine the quirks and daily schedules of your child-whether a baby, toddler or teen, and even your own moods and energy levels during various times of the day. You may even visit your selected photo studio in Singapore and ask the photographer for tips on preparing for a photo shoot.

For babies, timing is essential. Most photographers prefer to take pictures of newborns within 10 days from being born. They see it as the perfect time for taking those quality and professional-looking newborn pictures. At that time, the baby likes to sleep most of the time and is less likely to be bothered by loud noises and unfamiliar surroundings. On the other hand, older kids should be scheduled after naptime or maybe during their usual playtime.

Still, you have to make the photo studio session short to prevent boredom and fatigue. You can also bring your own props if the photographer allows. Having familiar objects around will help the baby or the child feel relaxed while in the unfamiliar surroundings of the Photography studio.

Portrait Studio Photography DIY Style

If you are a photography hobbyist, you can choose to shoot your own baby portraits. If you would rather take your own studio style shots instead of hiring a professional, you will need the proper equipment. Besides your camera, you will need to clear some space for your DIY studio. This is where you can securely pose your sitters over a nice background. Lighting equipment is also very important in portrait photography. You should also have the lenses, flash, and necessary props.

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