Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How To Do The Formal Announcement Of Your Wedding

By Stephanie Wales

One thing that people from different cultures share in common is the celebration of weddings. However the similarity ends there knowing that each culture and race has its own ways of holding a wedding ceremony. This is why it is understandable when bridal couples may not be aware of all the practices they should observe before, during, and after the wedding. But of course they can always spend time knowing the basic and most important wedding practices.

One of the most important wedding etiquettes that bridal couples should do is the formal announcement of their engagement. Usually, the news is announced by publishing it on newspaper. This is to inform the people they know about their upcoming wedding. But of course bridal couples should inform their parents first before doing the public announcement. Nowadays, some bridal couples choose to spread the news by holding an engagement party or by sending an email.

When the bridal couple goes for the traditional method, they should call the society editor to ask the right time to publish the announcement. Usually, newspaper editors accept notifications three to six months before the wedding day.

Traditionally, the bride's parents are the ones in charge of the public announcement. The information that this kind of announcement carries includes the names of the parents and of the bridal couples', as well as the wedding date and their permanent addresses.

The announcement may have an engagement portrait printed just below it. Engagement portraits in the past allow only the brides to be photographed. But these days engagement portraits contain a picture of the bride and the groom together for this purpose.

Obviously, bridal couples need the help of a professional photographer who deals with wedding photography or more specifically, bridal photography. These types of wedding photographers are already familiar of the requirements for capturing engagement portraits. Hence, couples can be guaranteed that they'll make the right pose for their engagement portrait or get the kind of photography style that is right for their personality.

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