Thursday, December 20, 2012

Good Images On Graduation: Make It Yours

By Teresa Port

One of the days in an person's life that he will always cherish and remember will be the graduation day. Considered by some as the day when a youngster officially becomes an adult, this day is celebrated with either a simple family dinner or a fulsome graduation party. Although memorable, these gatherings tend to be momentary and do not forever capture the fond memorable events of that day. As such, Graduates, especially in Singapore, capture the memorable events more tangibly by having a photograph studio portrait taken.

Ask your parents, seeing themselves in their graduation portraits, wearing graduation gowns, bring back fond memories of their school days, granted that they look good in those photos. If they don't, chances are those photos would be under a pile of clothes in one of their closets. That is why graduates nowadays don't take chances. They nearly always hire a professional photographer in Singapore to take their photos.

It is true that anybody with a camera can shoot a picture of a person dressed in a graduation gown, but to do it perfectly is a different matter altogether. To take a flawless photograph, certain skills are needed. Knowing proper light techniques, right camera angles, and proper poses can spell the difference between a good photograph and a bad one. Photo editing know how is also imperative to iron out minor imperfections. These are just some of the benefits of hiring a photographer to take your graduation portrait.

A last minute search for a photographer during graduation season is always a bad idea because photographers are generally busy this time of year. The best ones will be fully booked while the ones who might still be available will be more than likely incompetent. One great idea is to have the photograph taken way before the actual graduation. Either this or have the portrait taken after graduation. Being quite really early or really late is a small price to pay for having the perfect portrait.

Graduation day is always a day to remember. It is definitely nostalgic and most of the time brings joy to people who remember that day years after. What better way is there to activate that nostalgia than to look at a flawlessly taken graduation photograph.

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