Friday, September 9, 2011

Buyng Stock Photos Online

By Matt Brading

Sometimes too much choice could be a bad thing and stock photography is a prime example. For years many of the household-name stock image agencies would promote themselves as being the biggest and having the largest collections. If you have been paying attention though, you might have spotted that is not such a major selling proposition any more and lots of the larger libraries are now desperately attempting to find alternative options to brand themselves in a very crowded marketplace.

The truth is, many image buyers find enormous stock photo collections time-intensive and tedious to search, regardless of the improvements in image search engine technology. The difficulty is, the scale of these collections has increased at a greater rate than the search technology has improved ... So in plenty of cases, photo research has actually gotten slower and more difficult. It's no surprise then that an increasing number of image-researchers are opting for smaller 'niche' photo agencies, when they need to buy stock photos online.

These boutique stock libraries do not even try and compete on volume and most of the time they cannot compete on price either ... But more photo researchers are heading to these image stock sites regardless, with a completely new set of reasons-to-buy.

Private service, close contact with the photographers, fresh original photographs, unique styles and subjects. OK, perhaps these are not totally new reasons after all , but they're reasons-to-buy which have been pushed to the back for far to long.

A lot of it goes back to the way the photo researcher values their time, and what type of value they put on finding the right photo fast. The best news for photographers is, more and more are prepared to pay a little bit more to bypass the tedium of a mass-distribution library and hone in on quality new images sooner.

So next time you want to buy stock photos, take a pass on the huge stock photo supermarkets, and check out a couple of the boutique collections instead ... You could be amazed at the difference.

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