Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How IPods Help College Students Succeed

By Cauldwell Pipps

The Apple iPods help college students with success since they are an avenue for information, communicating and a balanced lifestyle. Students can use an iPod everywhere from the classroom to the library to the dorms. Students can also an iPod for exercise and gaining better grades.

In the lecture hall and library, the iPod can be a vessel for recording information and studying. By using a microphone with an iPod, it can be used to record lectures for replying later. These recordings are useful to non-native speakers, the hearing impaired, or any who often falls asleep. IPods can be used as cameras to take pictures of lab slides and diagrams that students may want to review later.

The iPod touch features the ability for students to take notes from a textbook or in class. A student can also use a web application for information when there is no computer available. The iPod serves as storage device that can replace a flash drive. A student can easily transport the information and will have the ability to study anytime.

iPods also provide a gateway to catching up on news stories through a radio adapter, internet browser, or podcast episodes. With an iPod Touch internet browser, students can check on their friends and family through email or social media sites. Colleges and college students are nearly all involved in some social media. Staying updated on these sites can build strong relationships among study buddies who can help one another to succeed.

Both in the dorms and on campus, the iPod helps promote a strong focus. Some students do not like a lot of noise while studying, while others enjoy music for concentrating. Luckily, an iPod can accommodate both types of people.

Some iPods have a Nike+ feature that provides music and motivation for exercise. With consistent exercise, students will have better brain function and be able to sleep better. A well-rested student performs far better on exams and assignments.

During down time, students are able to use an iPod for relaxing and a healthy lifestyle. Students can relax by enjoying music, movies and games. Research suggests that listening to music can make students more intelligent and more attuned to speech patterns, accents and rhythm.

The popularity of an Apple iPod is quite high among college students. The advantages it has for academic purposes are numerous. If used correctly, students are able to utilize their iPods for a success through information access, communication and a healthy lifestyle.

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