Saturday, August 3, 2013

Celebrating A Music Festival North Carolina

By Lela Perkins

Music Festival North Carolina harbors a lot of young new bands that are about to come out. You will discover a lot of young bands that play great music. It is definitely an enjoyable event because of the great music and people that you will surround yourself with. However, going to musical fests can be a little bit tricky. Outsmart everyone else in these events by knowing a few tips that could help you through unexpected rains, and soiled bathrooms.

First off, buy a money belt. A small one that can fit inside your pants or shorts should be able to do the trick. The issue here is that since the crowds will be rowdy and large, you will not notice when someone is already picking your pocket because of all the people that normally bump into you. The musical fest is a playground for pick pockets so beware. Keep the fanny pack in front of you at all times and tuck it into the front of your pants.

All musical fests are held in the summer. This is to avoid rainy days, but you are in for steaming hot summer days on the other hand. To get around the sticky feeling on your head, get some dry shampoo. It is a type of spray powder that gets in your hair and removes all the grease and smell. In an instant, you will look fresh.

While you're at it, try getting some shower wipes as well. They are a life saver especially at times when you feel like you smell like the dry sun. Wipe them all over your body and get rid of the odors that you definitely do not want lingering around you. You will instantly feel so fresh because of these wipes. Now you don't have to worry about offending anyone with your smell. Repeat after a few hours.

Bring a portable phone charger as well, because your phone will definitely die. Especially if you are using a smart phone, with you snapping pictures every five minutes and uploading them on social media sites. In a few hours, your battery would have definitely drained, and all that's left is the low battery warnings on your phone. Be smart and get a portable phone charger.

Make sure you have at least five plastic bags folded in your bag with you. This is very practical, and will be a life saver if it starts to rain. Put all your belongings in the plastic bag that used to be in your bag, and then put the plastic bag into your bag. Tie the handles together and put this in your bag. Congratulations, you have now water proofed your bag for free.

Make instant water boots without bringing a pair of heavy boots with you. These plastic bags could be wrapped around your feet and legs using duct tape. You and your shoes will instantly be saved from the rain and the mud. Never mind that you look goofy and silly, at least you are out of the mud.

There are a whole lot more tips when you attend the Music Festival North Carolina, but keep these in mind. Also, don't forget to bring an extra set of clothes. No one ever enjoyed soaking in the afternoon and freezing at night. Bring socks as well because wet socks are definitely the worst.

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